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Event Health, Cities Serious Mental Illness

Treating Serious Mental Illness in NYC Can They Get the Help They Need?

Tuesday February 2017


DJ Jaffe Executive Director, Mental Illness Policy Org
Dr. Gary Belkin Executive Deputy Commissioner, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Matthew D’Emic Judge, Brooklyn Mental Health Court
Muzzy Rosenblatt CEO and President, BRC
Errol Louis Political Anchor, NY1

On February 28, 2017, the Manhattan Institute's The Beat hosted a panel discussion on treating serious mental illness in New York City featuring experts in mental illness, public health, mental health courts, and homeless services.

How do the problems of the current system influence homelessness and incarceration? How does Mayor de Blasio’s $850 million ThriveNYC plan stand up? And how can New York better help those with serious mental illness? Check out photos from the event and learn more.




DJ Jaffe
Executive Director, Mental Illness Policy Org and Author, Insane Consequences: How the Mental Health Industry Fails the Mentally Ill

Dr. Gary Belkin
Executive Deputy Commissioner, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Matthew D’Emic
Judge, Brooklyn Mental Health Court

Muzzy Rosenblatt
CEO and President, BRC


Errol Louis
Political Anchor, NY1

