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Event Cities, Cities Housing, Regulatory Policy

2021 James Q. Wilson Lecture: Cities at the Crossroads

Wednesday October 2021


Edward L. Glaeser Contributing Editor, City Journal

Cities are at a crossroads. The rise of remote work has made it easier than ever to leave the city. Urban crime rates are a growing worry. Within cities, insiders continue to prosper at the expense of outsiders in areas such as housing and schooling. Urban life will surely survive in some form, but cities need to start competing like their futures depend on it.  

Edward Glaeser’s newest book,  Survival of the City—coauthored with Harvard’s David Cutler—takes direct aim at today’s urban challenges. And in this year’s James Q. Wilson Lecture, Prof. Glaeser will show what it takes for cities to survive and thrive in the 21st Century. 

Edward Glaeser is the Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics at Harvard University, where he has taught since 1992, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and a contributing editor of City Journal. He has also served as director of the Taubman Center for State and Local Government and as director of the Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston. His work has focused on the determinants of urban growth and on the role of cities as centers of idea transmission. He holds a B.A. from Princeton University and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. 

Sponsored, with admiration, by a former student of James Q. Wilson.